
Seperate beserk ratings - idea from Atrophied case

I believe I have said at least twice: expressing my opinion. I do not try to convince anyone of anything. I presented my opinion, and I'm done. It's no more complicated than that.
Hmm! When someone insists that he doesn't want to convince me about anything, I am always suspicious that he is trying to convince me about something. And the more he insists, the more convinced I become! :-)
I like so much to read such conversations with sharp language and thoughts about "added weight". Psychological analysis of Lichess's comment section. :)

I know this is going a little off topic, but would you agree that in a 3+2 tournament the Berserk time should be 1.5 + 1, not just 1? And the same for all increment times?

A lot of your argument here is berserking hurts your streak in a tournament because you overestimate the internet connection.

The extra increment helps to build up time again and helps stop deflate players ratings when they are berserking.

This happened in the previous marathon where it was brutal on berserkers ratings.
"berserking hurts your streak in a tournament because you overestimate the internet connection" what a troll excuse is that :D because my parents talked too loud, because I had to eat at same time, because it was snowing outside - all sound similar :D lol
Learn to estimate so your streak won't get "hurt"
3+2 berserked to 1.5+0 is totally fine, more risk involved more fun, more "estimation" to do :D

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