
Seperate beserk ratings - idea from Atrophied case

#47 -
Let's be clear about one thing: I'm merely expressing my opinion. This requires no leverage, reputation, nor rating history. If you do not enjoy reading my opinion, I am going to be largely unaffected by that. If you want to use a metric that you yourself know is faulty (since I have explained to you previously that I have been on lichess for years and played many, many games, and have been around internet chess for almost two decades) with which to categorize people's influence, that is entirely your decision and does not affect my life one bit.

It does raise my eyebrow a little bit to see so much energy being devoted to who I am and what my reputation is and what that means rather than what I actually said, though.

Also keep in mind, I could simply log in with my other account and paste my thoughts if I thought it mattered. The fact that I don't do that means I don't care at all about it. And neither should you.

Yet here we are still discussing it.
Well, when people go around telling lies as facts it is a problem.
Edit: seems I misunderstood.
Sorry, was a reply to post 47, not yours, IM lovlas. Sorry for any confustion. I've edited my post to reflect whom I was addressing.
Hi all,
I think kingscrusher's idea is very interesting but in my opinion there are some drawbacks that could arise, 2 of the main ones are the following:
reduce the value of the time control: What I mean by this is lets say I am a decent ambitious - 2000 classical player and am working really hard on 10+ 0 time control, I play in the daily classical with huge ambitions of winning and by improving by later analysing my games but even more than before now that the ratings wont be affected the tournament will almost always be won by beserk specialists or elite players because they now have to only gamble tournament points and not rating , this is somewhat the case now but it will become even moreso the case because some elite players want to win tournaments but are also very concerned about securing their ratings so they might not beserk as much as they would if kingscrushers idea is implemented , and a player who even if he wins all games but with 0 beserk rate will most likely not win tournament. Similarly I wont be able to improve much by analysing the games because the quality of my opponents moves wouldnt be what they would because most would beserk a lot more. This is also true for other time controls.
Thus this basically might eventually lead to more beserked games than normal games making a mockery out of the time control of the tournament.
Complex: One of the best qualities of lichess is that it is filled with sophisticated data but yet is very simple to use. If this idea is implemented and someone is new to a lichess tournament even if he reads the rules the whole thing might seems very confusing and a players profile page will be overcrowded with all sorts of beserk ratings of chess as well as variants.

Thus, to conclude although I respect this interesting idea and appreciate kingscrusher and anyone else who might have thought of it before but I am strongly against it.

Thanks :)
@PhillipTheTank your opinions have my attention and respect. What they don't have is the added weight they would carry, if they were presented from an account like the old one you have, with games and ratings and everything. Maybe they don't needed it, because are strong and convincing opinions by themselves. But why risk it?

@lovlas I apologize for presenting my opinion in a way that sounded like a fact. Sorry about that. I would like to hear your own opinion about Kingscrusher's idea, if you have one of course.

I don't see the relevance of having "added weight" based on ratings and games played/history from a particular user. If that is the metric you use to move your biased opinion of someone's comments, more power to you.

Personally, I find PhillipTheTank's comments very interesting, well thought out and filled with common sense.

Some people have taken your "added weight" to higher levels though; they won't talk to you, play you or read what you say if your rating is lower than 2200 lol Very strange logic...

Risk it? Convincing you of anything was not a motivation of mine, so there was no risk on my part.

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