
Hou Yifan loses in 4

Actually the FIDE allows a preferred pairing among groups like women if there are separate women prizes to allow a better determination because swiss system distinguishes rather badly in the middle of the table. Furthermore the programs have switches for that; so say if there are players with sames points some groups are paired preferably.

As far as I know this has not been done though. Had she played stronger she had got more stronger opponents. There's absolute no excuse for losing on purpose. This is (taken from the) "lowest folder" as we say in German.
I am a bit of a fan of Yifan Hou so I'm not unbiased.

That being said, sure the pairing does look suspicious as if arranged on purpose, but it may be mere coincidence. I don't know so I'll give the organizers the benefit of the doubt and assume it was done correctly.

Either way, throwing a game on purpose is wrong and a disappointment.

But let's not forget that Yifan is only human and still very young too. We all make mistakes sometimes. Normally she has - as far as I know - always behaved in a fair sportsmanlike fashion and I think a word of warning should really be enough for this first and only offense. It's not like she threw the game with the purpose of deceiving anybody about it. She made it obvious. That doesn't make it right, of course, but it is tons better than letting somebody win so they can make a prize or gain a norm or achieve a required rating to get a title or something like that for monetary compensation.

I don't like what she did, but she is still one of my favorites.
Well yeah, people do make mistakes.
It may have been wrong, but e.g. Fischer got away with much worse things, so... ;)
@sunflower93 'let's not forget that Yifan is only human and still very young too' Did any robots/engines attend the competition as well? 22 years old already has 4 years of her adult history. May be young in comparison to 60 years old, but old enough to make mature decisions.

She decided to throw away a game against a male opponent because she didn't have enough male opponents? Sounds strange.

By the way, her performance was not stellar in that competition. She drawn to 2558, 2454 women, and lost to 2583. All her opponents except of 2700+ guy were reasonably lower rated than herself (100-200 less).

So may be she realized that she does not have good chances against 2587 guy and decided to make a show? Like you know if I would play against Hikaru Nakamura, lose in 2 moves and claim that this was my protest against Trump's ban. Guess what, every liberal newspaper would write about it, I will be a social justice worrier who put himself on an altar for a right cause. May be even will be able to cache out from this by participating in a few crappy talk-shows. And if I will take a fight and will lose in 25-30 moves no one would care that some low-rated guy lost to a high-rated guy.

By the way do you remember how many people were claiming that Carlsen's behavior was really bad during the press conference.

In my opinion if you want to show that something is unfair and you end up with easy opponents, win all of them without a single loss and them tell about it.

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