
Search "user:tsaklidis"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Chessboard greek coordinates#9

@pkill said in #8: > This is sort of a work around, but you can fork a browser extension like the following and replace whatever text you want with your own. I've used something similar to replace Eng…

Lichess Feedback - Chessboard greek coordinates#7

@itsrunningwind said in #6: > @tsaklidis try this it is where you can translate lichess Thank you, will take a look.

Lichess Feedback - Chessboard greek coordinates#4

@DhupuBapu said in #2: > Sorry, but I don't think there is no feature to change the language of the coordinates :( Yeap... that's my point. How can I propose this to the developers of the site or make…

Lichess Feedback - Chessboard greek coordinates#1

Hello, I would like to change the chessboard coordinates to my language (Greek) but this feature is not available. Is there any way I can propose this feature? Also I am a developer so I can help with…
