
Chessboard greek coordinates

I would like to change the chessboard coordinates to my language (Greek) but this feature is not available.

Is there any way I can propose this feature? Also I am a developer so I can help with the code/translation.

Thank you.
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@DhupuBapu said in #2:
> Sorry, but I don't think there is no feature to change the language of the coordinates :(
I think he already pointed that out. He was asking one of the mods I guess to ask them making such a feature, because it doesn't exist right now.
@DhupuBapu said in #2:
> Sorry, but I don't think there is no feature to change the language of the coordinates :(

Yeap... that's my point. How can I propose this to the developers of the site or make a request for this feature. I am new to the community and still searching how stuff work here.
@tsaklidis said in #4:
> Yeap... that's my point. How can I propose this to the developers of the site or make a request for this feature. I am new to the community and still searching how stuff work here.
I guess u should change the google settings to greek
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@pkill said in #8:
> This is sort of a work around, but you can fork a browser extension like the following and replace whatever text you want with your own. I've used something similar to replace English words with kanji I was learning.

Yes localy I can make a hack/fix. I was searching for something more stable. Since there is translation, coordinates could be included too.

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