
Search "user:abdekker"

9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Stockfish 13 NNUE vs Stockfish 11 in analysis board.#5

This is probably not a "browser" problem, but the default engine is now NNUE. Cookie settings in a browser you use for the first time (or after deleting temporary internet files and cookies) will use …

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish NNUE engine - how to remove?#10

#8 @benwerner: That worked for me, thanks! For those having similar problems, follow these steps: 1) Go to your profile and load one of your recent games 2) Select the analysis board 3) Select the ham…

Lichess Feedback - Plz Refund Me Lichess!!??#3

Happens all the time if you lose.connnection. It is annoying but Lichess has to do something...and defaulting the player is fair to both. It's just a few rating points. Play some more and you'll win t…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish NNUE engine - how to remove?#9

#7 Your contributions, and other open-source developers, is incredible...but don't blame either the user or the browser! It worked with SF 12 and doesn't with SF 13. Nothing else has changed. A settin…

Lichess Feedback - iOS app unresponsive#12

This is likely due to the new Stockfish 13 NNUE version recently introduced which is a memory and CPU hog. Make sure that you don't use the engine.

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish NNUE engine - how to remove?#6

@Toadofsky: The primary issue is the speed of loading, and the resources it requires to run (as I understand it to load the pre-learnt ML model it uses to evaluate the positions). On my (older) phone,…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish NNUE engine - how to remove?#3

@Toadofsky: Possibly, though because of the horizon effect, the older brute-force approach will work better with limited processing resource (time, CPU, memory, etc) in many positions. Both Stock 12/1…

Lichess Feedback - Is There Any Benefit To Reporting Cheaters#9

I'd be cautious about accusing anyone of cheating. Sometimes they just play better than average or their play tempo feels odd, like an automatic re-capture takes a few seconds, but in reality they wer…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish NNUE engine - how to remove?#1

In your awesome puzzle mode, I frequently find myself making a subtle mistake and turning on the engine to see why. The problem is that I have an older smartphone with limited memory and a slower CPU.…
