
Stockfish 13 NNUE vs Stockfish 11 in analysis board.

I just realised that only using Microsoft Edge, my analysis board uses SF13NNUE, while all other browsers use SF11.

Why is that?
Just to say perhaps I have the same problem. I'm not familiar with the terms you use. But I've noticed in the last few days I no longer have the choice between two databases when using the analysis board. (LiChess games and nonn-Lichess games.) I only get the LiChess games.

best regards. flunn01
I use brave (basically chrome) and it uses Stockfish 13+ NNUE. So I think this may be a browser problem ?
I am not expert at this though.
You're right. This must be a browser problem. When I use Safari, I get, as before the database with the titled players. (non-lichess)
This is probably not a "browser" problem, but the default engine is now NNUE. Cookie settings in a browser you use for the first time (or after deleting temporary internet files and cookies) will use NNUE by default.

NNUE is apparently stronger, but the memory and CPU requirements are much higher, so it makes sense to switch it off on lower end hardware. NNUE caused my phone to lag or Chrome to crash, so I switched it off as follows:

1) Go to your profile and load one of your recent games
2) Select the analysis board
3) Select the hamburger symbol (3 horizontal stripes) and scroll down to the analysis options
4) Find and disable "Use NNUE"
5) Close and kill your browser
6) Reopen the browser and lichess and you should find "Use NNUE" is off and you are using an older version of Stockfish (on mine, Stockfish 11 NCE)

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