
Search "user:Chambaru"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - classical center - always losing with it#11

two of the finish blow tactics are common in ruy lopez and italian, so i shouldve spotted it nevertheless, but its pretty hard to care all sorts of tactics when my pawns and pieces are being unstable …

General Chess Discussion - classical center - always losing with it#3

@griffindabeast im referring to the pawn structure that i get from the opening, so im pretty sure the topic would be in the realm of the middlegame. it doesnt matter whether if its italian or ruy lope…

General Chess Discussion - classical center - always losing with it#1

i always struggle and have a hard time playing with the classical center from ruy lopez and parrying the opponents counter attack. in ruy lopez white only has d and e file pawn on the center after the…

General Chess Discussion - Changing openings for extremely long term improvement.#18

btw i already gave up najdorf and gru. way too stressful for me _(「ε:)_

General Chess Discussion - Changing openings for extremely long term improvement.#17

@alex_makarets said in #7: > Hello! > I would like to double on the question. > I have one opening currently (e4/caro/classical slav) and wondering when is the right time to pick one more. > Sure lear…

General Chess Discussion - Changing openings for extremely long term improvement.#11

@griffindabeast said in #8: > @Chambaru you e been playing games actively and are 1400s. I wouldn’t even worry to much about the opening. Just stick with the same thing as white and learn the middle/e…

General Chess Discussion - A moderator removed a thread calling it spam which it wasn't#2

imagine if they removed this too

General Chess Discussion - Best openings to hit 2000-2200?#12

not many people are aware of this, but if your only objective is the rating gain, the best way to accomplish that is by only playing trappy openings. statistically and objectively speaking some openin…

General Chess Discussion - How to punish copycats in chess?#12

one specific line thats interesting d4 dr c4 c6 cd cd nc3 nf6 nf3 nc6 bf4 bf5 qb3 na5 qa4 bd7 qc2 e6

Off-Topic Discussion - career path advice#8

@JASKIRATSINGH said in #7: > become a tea staller and later become the prime minister... (some people will get it) can it be coffee?
