
how do you like your steak cooked?

I like it raw. Only then can you really feel the flesh tearing between the teeth as you bite in it, the taste if the blood oozing between your teeth. Only then can you really feel a sense of communion with the animal that donated it.
@KNIGHT_c4 said in #21:
> I like it cooked with the fur still on it.

wrapped in clay then thrown into the fire to roast?
@BorisOspasky said in #14:
> @CSKA_Moscou A 45 should do the job.. I think it adequately addresses the level of seriousness of the situation. :-)

You are a real Yankee! but I will always eat my steak until it is blue brown and without any trace of blood
put into a metal platter with a handle(a pan) and underneath it a combustion reaction(fire)

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