
Leavers: autoresign, timeout warning, temporary suspension, anything.

The rankings were working, as it was an evenly matched game, but I thought I had a small tactical advantage. It was a long one also to end that way!
Thank you. In the future, I might try a chat note earlier, as that was unresponsive. I didn't get a disconnect warning, and I didn't think you could refresh the page.
@Dth20k Seems like a connection issue. Try refreshing the page when that happens, it works for some people.
> And you say there's no warning anymore, prove it with a screenshot or something
That is reverse burden of proof. You could post a screenshot of the warning instead, when you see one. I say that leavers get no warning because people keep on leaving without resigning, and I don't see any warning in the chat window like the ones I happened to see a few weeks ago, for the first time in more than a year. Can't prove that because I play with the app and there is no clock in the chat window. You can check yourself that you get no warning if you leave the board and quit lichess, even for minutes.
> Proof that warnings are still there from a recent game
Good to know. Now proof that these warnings are effective should be seeing leavers diminishing. I doubt that. The supposed recipient of that warning will probably never read it. To be effective it should be posted in the message board of the leaver. And still, a 3 minutes timeout it's way too long.
It's not really reverse burden of proof. First you claimed there were warnings, and that's something we agree with, we both saw it happen. But now you say they stopped appearing. I don't see any wrong in asking you to prove this, just take a screenshot next time it happens. But anyway see above, I posted a screenshot shortly after. The warning doesn't show up when you check the game in your match history after it's over, but it shows up if you still have the link of the original game, they're different links for some reason.

The app is a whole different thing, I don't play on the app but you're claiming there are no warnings anymore when there still are. If there are none in the app then you should specify that.
I don't have to prove the warnings are effective because I never said they were. I don't know if they are, I never left a game so I don't know if the leaver gets a notification or not, but if not then there should be one and that's my opinion. The website already has notifications for mentions, private messages, etc.
I'm done posting on this thread, I'm typing too much when I just want to play chess.
> just take a screenshot next time it happens.
It's impossible, the chat window in the Android app has no clock.
Anyway, since you proofed yourself that warnings are being issued, the good news is that in Lichess they are trying to do something, finally. The bad news is that it's the wrong way. It's very unlikely that Mr. EMEVE will ever see the warning, because by the time the warning was issued he had already left the screen, while you had to wait for the whole timeout period before having a chance to start another game. It's to weak and ineffective measure.

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