
Bringing back decorous behaviour

#8 PS I may demand success, but my team calls me Ben - and I buy them drinks in the bar!
The hanging draw offer does not convince me.
In competition, ain't there a 3 time limit for draw offers?
why not applying it here?
Or give a 5 seconds bonus to the opponent? Maybe only 2 in bullet.

Sandbaggers are a pain. Not much to do about it. They ARE allowed to use their time as they please. Conditional premoves ( which i suggested in another post ) would allow to finish the game for easy forced mates, but not when your opponent drops a piece on move #12.
FICS had an adjudication option for quitters (back then internet was more flimsy, ah my beloved 56k <3 )
When your opp quits, you may claim the win or the draw, shouldn't there be a third "gentleman" option, "i resign"
Or a "let stockfish decide" button.

#12 I'm not sure about the 3 time limit in competition. If that's the case, it surely ought to apply here, too.

Here, one may also claim the win or draw after a certain amount of time; but if someone is not gentlemanly enough to resign, surely he should simply be disqualified by automatically resigning. It is far less satisfying to claim a game... psychologically, artistically etc.
Ok i finally got it,

I found

article 11.5 It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any manner whatsoever. This includes unreasonable claims, unreasonable offers of a draw or the introduction of a source of noise into the playing area.

12.7 Infraction of any part of Articles 12.1 to 12.6 shall lead to penalties in accordance with Article 13.4.

13.4 The arbiter can apply one or more of the following penalties:

increasing the remaining time of the opponent
reducing the remaining time of the offending player
declaring the game to be lost
reducing the points scored in the game by the offending party
increasing the points scored in the game by the opponent to the maximum available for that game
expulsion from the event.

In the club where i played we must have interpreted line 2 of 11.5
"This includes unreasonable claims, unreasonable offers of a draw"
as no more than 3 times or you are being a jerk.

A 3 times limit is a good compromise.
Time penalty after those 3 offers work for me too.
If you're worried about opponents leaving in the middle of a 1+0 game, play 0+1 instead!
#14 This is great
#17 So is this
#16 Having to change one's game-length because of opponents leaving isn't an answer.
A tiny time bonus to the opponent with each draw offer would probably discourage most "draw trolls".

Even more time if is not the first offer you made. For instance, 0.5 secs with the first offer and 1 sec with the second and 2 secs with the next (but with some limit, like no more than 2 seconds bonus).

This will do, in my opinion.
In computer science there is a term describing the simplest possible solution:

however, there is a single nuance (a player may not retract an offer the same turn they make it). Other than that, a player who offered a draw probably wants a draw the next turn, and the next turn, and the next turn, etc.; so why force them to click the button multiple times and alert the opponent multiple times?

If the offer could remain intact rather than expiring every turn, then it becomes clear who is clicking the button because they want a draw (someone who clicks it once) versus who is clicking it repeatedly (if the interface allows it) to troll the opponent.

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