
Why is my time running out so quickly?

I play a 30-second game, but no matter how fast I try to play, my opponents' time is much longer. my winning positions end in losses Premove reduces my playing power
Rumour has it that it's also possible to play longer time controls than 30 seconds. I even heard that there are people who play with more than 30 minutes for a game but it's probably just an urban legend.
What you experience as your opponent's time, is actually his time plus the time the information needs to travel between you, your opponent and the lichess server. This time is called lag.
What your opponent experiences as your time, is your time plus the information travelling time.

Therefore, both of you see their own time as much shorter than the other's time, because both of you experience the lag as a part of the other's time.
@boomshinesaigon said in #1:
> I play a 30-second game, but no matter how fast I try to play, my opponents' time is much longer. my winning positions end in losses Premove reduces my playing power

Happened to me recently as well......i was at around 1680 now im back down to 1540......constatnly being beaten by 1400 rated players.....happened right after i started liking YouTube videos about gaza genside.....and calling out israel.
What youtube videos did u like recently ?
Happens to me all the time in bullet, I play 1 min bullet and 10-15 seconds lose due to lag.
Maybe, it shows you have improved a lot in your tactical skills and in your thinking ability... if you run out of time, don't be angry, you're just improving slowly and steadily!

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