
Game of the Week Judges

@xuanet Thanks :)

OK great! 4 judges I think will be enough.

The judges are:




26/32 matches were played, so two judges can pick 6 matches each to go through, while the other two judges will pick 7 matches each to go through. Post your match picks in this thread (I'd rather the judges pick the matches they want to go through)! For each match, the judge will have to pick one game that stands out in terms of aesthetic value.

Thanks for your contributions guys :).
Thanks for your enthusiasm, chicken :).

Do you guys think we should keep this public or not?
I'll take 1-7. You want one game selection per match, so 7 in total from me, correct? Any other criteria for selecting GotW than 'aesthetic value'?

I'd say we should probably make voting private, but of course, like Xuanet said, it's up to you Fishy :)
LOL I should read my notes more often. Yeah, inocuo was DQed (unfortunately I have no idea why he closed his account, and it's a really big pity because he was such a nice person). You can actually see that in the results of the Prediction tournament, but I still have it as "6-0" in the "Matches" section. I'll fix it right now!

I'll PM you guys. I'd rather for the sake of transparency if we had our discussions here, but there are some issues with that, so I prefer to make it private.

(Thanks a lot to all 4 of you BTW.)

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