
Have You Ever Smothered Mated Someone?

@AmolGreat said in #1:
> Undoubtedly, smothered mate is one of the most beautiful checkmates. But have you ever smothered mated someone? If yes, share the game

Like twice in my lifetime, but i dont have the games. They werent even done here in this site. They were done in a site that was absorbed by ICC a long time ago.
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I had a really nice mate in 4 which I saw all the way. Actually there are 2 mates in 4, depending on where the king would go, but I saw the one that led to the smothered mate and delivered it!

I recently watched a Daniel Naroditsky stream where the topic of smothered mate came up in the chat and he said he has never in his life done a smothered mate. That seemed almost hard for me to believe with as many games as he has played.

In another recent Lichessplays stream, John Bartholomew was asked if he had ever checkmated someone with an underpromotion. He said no he couldn't ever remember having done that. Just a few games later in the stream he checkmated one of the challengers with an underpromotion to a knight. Too funny!

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