
Have You Ever Smothered Mated Someone?

Undoubtedly, smothered mate is one of the most beautiful checkmates. But have you ever smothered mated someone? If yes, share the game
In case you don't solely refer to the well known mating pattern, I just had an uncommon smothered mate position, enjoy :P

Three times in 8.000 games on lichess... for me it is rare :D This is the one I like the most:

Over the board ina tournament game ... only once and my opponent resigned before it happened. I think it is pretty rare because it makes a big impression on all of us as beginners so everyone checks for it. If this thread is active when I return from travels I
Will post the game.
Of course I have. And it's not particularly pretty once you get used to it (they're all the same...although granted that one in #2 had a bit extra). :)

Note that the standard one doesn't work if the opponent's rook is on KB1...something I missed in an OTB game once (and which ended up costing me a couple hundred bucks in a tourney).
once in 20 000 games but i had another but he ran the clock down :(

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