
What is this "calculating" and how do you do it?

@ Fenris1066 Monopoly is broken. This is why we have more active players. Chess is dead hypothesis was about standard chess. And this monopoly will be broken very soon.
Very interesting thread here, i will read it sooner or later. Cheers.
#24: At the very absolute basic level, calculation is a matter of counting attackers and defenders on a key square, something I'm sure you've done plenty of at your level (and indeed at your level I'm kind of surprised you're asking such a question).

When we go a bit further, calculation is a sort of "if...then" sequence - if I make this move, what is the best response? If that move, what is my next move, and the best response to that, and so on. The more moves you calculate in a line, that is what we call the "depth" of calculation. The more lines you calculate, this is what we call the "breadth" of calculation.

The main idea of any problem solving calculation is to quickly rule out options to decrease the breadth so that more time can be focused on depth of calculation.

This is why so much of classical chess at the highest levels comes down to knowledge of opening/endgame theory. If the opening is already well understood, then all the candidate moves early on are pretty well known so it allows more time for simply recalling preparation rather than calculating. Similarly, endgame theory gives the pro player an idea of where they want to try to force the transition to something they already recognize. This is why people complain about how chess is nothing but memorization. But eventually even at top levels someone will leave that preparation and the calculations begin on both sides. This generally comes after several exchanges and a fairly clear plan has already emerged, which gives both players far less breadth of calculation required and allows for depth.

Obviously, the problem for all of us Neanderthals who are not at the top GM levels, we don't always find all those best moves and so we can calculate until the cows come home and find that move we think is great, and then watch the opponent respond with something that wasn't in our line at all. To which we then have to start calculating all over again...
Come on stop this pathetic troll post. You are wasting people time.

2100 blitz and 1900 bullet and you will tell me you don't know what calculation is? LMAO...

Also, you can't get 29 lucky games and end up with 2100 rating...
Im with you mirlife
chess960 is real chess
games are lively but one has to make an effort to think
as since they are lazy they dont want to play it
maybe they are afraid to know they are not that good
that was my last game
I blunder so what
It was enjoyable I see new stuff and It does not get repetitive
I dont have anything against standart chess
but I usually play it when I really dont want to think
when I play 960 which has been less than a hundred times
I can play new stuff instead grinding the boredom.

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