
At what rating do you need to start dress nice at tournaments?

actually i laughed so hard at this post. i actually dressed with a nice suit jacket once for a tournament, and I won the tournament, I might have drawn with a GM at the tournament cant remember if thats precisely what happened because I played more than one important tournament at that venue which use to be the office of "Excalibur Electronics" and the chess hall of fame in Homestead Florida (South of Miami, going towards the Florida Keys)
@fuxx_de said in #12:
> There ist actually a rule stating your appearance in a tournament but it does not cover all tournaments.
Wait, there IS???
If so, then I am certainly never attending one!
Are there any rules about unruly haircuts / styles or is the windswept mullet perfectly ok?
@BorisOspasky said in #16:
> Are there any rules about unruly haircuts / styles or is the windswept mullet perfectly ok?
I hope there aren't any for your sake and for mine...
"high standard dress code" is pretty vague. I would argue it's meaningless.
In Terms of FIDE its usualy Seen as buisness casual with local adaptions.
@fuxx_de said in #19:
> In Terms of FIDE its usualy Seen as buisness casual with local adaptions.
So I have to wear all black and a tie to a chess tournament??

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