
Breaking The Silence Online

In this blog I share some of my experiences with online harassment as a female chess player. What is the extent of the problem and what, if anything can be done about it?

Recently I mentioned to a male friend here on Lichess that I must have reported at least five users in the last couple of months for either harassment, bullying, inappropriate, creepy and explicit private messages or similarly unwanted behaviour, and they were shocked. My friend had no idea how common this sort of thing was and hadn’t even really given it much thought. And why would he, if it was not directly affecting him?

The events that have surfaced in the USCF and the STLCC in recent times have highlighted some pretty serious issues that the chess world has known about for decades. Lichess responded to the scandal by publicly cutting ties with both organisations. A Lichess blog (1) and associated forum thread (2) on the topic followed, with almost a thousand posts on the discussion thread. Clearly, this is a subject that is very much at the forefront of public interest.

Women in chess in general have been subjected to sexual harassment and abuse, sometimes to the point where they give up chess entirely. Sometimes, no doubt, to the point where law enforcement agencies have become involved. WFM Alexandra Botez said in an interview with “The Insider” in 2020 that Netflix's "The Queen's Gambit"...

“ the most accurate portrayal of chess in Hollywood, but it doesn't go far enough to depict the sexism ingrained in the culture of the sport.” - WFM Alexandra Botez (3)

**read the full blog by clicking on the link above**

Please feel free to share your experiences of online harassment here (no public shaming please, use, and also your opinions. This is a sensitive topic, I would really appreciate a civilised discussion, thank you!
We have several ongoing discussions dating back many years. Those discussions have led to several blogs and changes to how chauvinism or worse are reported by users and treated by our moderation team. One of our members is involved with the new WIC org. we are eager to gain any feedback they can give to improve the situation on our site as in the entire chess culture.

Thank you for writing your Blog and sharing your experience. Feedback and suggestions on how we can do better are most welcome here on the Lichess forums or on our discord.
One small thing that come in my mind: It would be agood thing, that if you block someone who is harrassing or insulting you it should be no longer possible that these people can follow your games - waht means that they are present and visible there with their nickname.
Thx, for your Blog Post. As a male lichess member I have less experience with this topic, but want to share my last one: I was watching standings and games of the US Championships two weeks before and someone in the chat asked, why the games were not advertised in the Tournaments section. No one could tell, so I told them and shared the link to:

In almost no time we had a discussion going where lots of participants complained about "mainstream" and men in general as the "victims".

What was shocking for me was the speed and the overwhelming hatred. It only took about two to three minutes and the chat was so full of disgusting comments and I turned the chat off.

And that's the second thing I have to think about since then: I just turned off, I should have done more. This is why I want to say: "Thank you for speaking out loud!" I am with you and this male behavior poisons our society - not only in chess, - not only online!
@cormacobear said in #3:
> We have several ongoing discussions dating back many years. Those discussions have led to several blogs and changes to how chauvinism or worse are reported by users and treated by our moderation team. One of our members is involved with the new WIC org. we are eager to gain any feedback they can give to improve the situation on our site as in the entire chess culture.
> Thank you for writing your Blog and sharing your experience. Feedback and suggestions on how we can do better are most welcome here on the Lichess forums or on our discord.

Thanks for your reply cormacobear! I appreciate this is not an easy issue to fix, nor will there be a quick fix since it is a culture. I would like to re-emphasise how much I appreciate that Lichess and the moderation team take this issue seriously, and I am sure continuously strive to improve the experience in this site for all users. I think the users here also need to step up and be part of the solution too.

Yes, I also await the impact of the new WICF with hope that it will improve the situation for women in chess worldwide including online.
Some people seem think that spouting insults/abuse is acceptable online!
It is not, of course!
I believe the social media platform owners do little to protect users and have allowed morals/behaviour/manners to decline by not acting!
I detest such platforms and will never join and/or use them!
I also believe that all accounts on online platforms should require verification!
Thankfully, I have never witnessed such horrible behaviour on Lichess!
if i had kiilled my self i wouldnt be able to write this i am afraiad i have done this for many years and hope that i have stopped
doing thisi just went into a dark pit of depression and wanted my self dead imust apologise to all of you i have done this too
i endevour now to just have an exsitance once agian i apologise to all of you who i have harrased thank you martin
@Bogenko said in #4:
> One small thing that come in my mind: It would be agood thing, that if you block someone who is harrassing or insulting you it should be no longer possible that these people can follow your games - waht means that they are present and visible there with their nickname.

There was a forum thread on this exact issue recently, I don't know if you saw it?

I know the feeling, I have experienced this with a blocked player watching my next few games, even messaging my opponent during our match to ask them to ask me to contact them after I blocked them... The problem is, as was mentioned on that forum, games are public and anyone can watch them.