
Search "user:knavely"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - abort after 1.f4 should count as resign#7

I would be in favor a rule that says no free abort after first moves other than 1.e4 or 1.d4

Lichess Feedback - abort after 1.f4 should count as resign#4

I'd argue that its more or less possible to win based on preparation vs lack of preparation after 1 move. This shouldnt be able to be aborted away. Its part of the game. @Sybotes - if you made a mista…

Lichess Feedback - abort after 1.f4 should count as resign#1

This whole abort before each player has played 1 move is being abused. People playing black abort after white's first move if they dont like the opening. Happens frequently with 1.f4. That should coun…

Lichess Feedback - Broken rating/performance system? Cheating? Fluke? Something else?#3

no, there is something very fishy going on. I have been noticing it for about 6 months. 1. seems on most days there is a window of about 2 hours (sometimes its much longer) where i simply can not win …
