
Search "user:PawarSohum"

15 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Timeout protection in Correspondence games#1

Lichess should introduce the timeout protection feature in correspondence games. They should give 30 days of protection per year. has this feature. I lost many correspondence games on time b…

General Chess Discussion - Seeking Chess Friends!#9

I am ready. DM me

General Chess Discussion - Seeking Correspondence Chess#1

I am ready to play Correspondence games. 2 days per move or more. You can send me challenge. I have lot of free time so I can play multiple games at a time. I am a FIDE rated player. My classical rati…

General Chess Discussion - How do I become a Grandmaster?#72

You can become a GM if you take coaching from a GM for atleast one year . You also need to solve lot of puzzles and practice regularly against stronger players. Focus on the journey, not on the destin…

Off-Topic Discussion - How many games have you guys played?#30

@MrPushwood said in #29: > Here--hardly any. Overall though...quite a few. :) You have more than 20k Forum posts and just 84 games. LOL !

Off-Topic Discussion - How many games have you guys played?#28

I have 3480 at the moment. Will complete 10k by this year end.

Off-Topic Discussion - @German11 is back#7

If someone played 1000 games per day, they will need just 2 years to go past german11 in number of games.

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations german11 on 600k games!#25

@alex-tcx said in #22: > CM hajeko played700games a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is playing only Ultrabullet. He will be at the top of leaderboard within 3 years more if he continues at this rate.

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations german11 on 600k games!#20

@suthey2 is averaging around 400 games per day. He will be at the top of leaderboard of Active players in future if he continues at this speed.

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations german11 on 600k games!#15

He has not played any game since 4 days.
