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50 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - David's Chess Journey - Installment 23#2

I liked the distinction you brought up at the end of your article. I also fell into the trap of reading "okay to great" stuff when I'm not ok yet. However, I would like to quibble with your expectatio…

Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess: A g-factor for chess? A psychometric scale for playing ability#32

@NDpatzer said in #21: > It would definitely be neat to take data from lichess to see how things like puzzle storm or other easy-to-administer tests do compared to the ACT. Someone did some quick corr…

Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess: A g-factor for chess? A psychometric scale for playing ability#20

I didn't read the papers, so sorry if this is an elementary question, but it looks like the Amsterdam Chess Test was composed intuitively at first (i.e. the authors just threw in what they thought mig…

Community Blog Discussions - Testing Maia's Puzzle Performance#20

@FireWorks said in #17: > I'm sure SF will improve in puzzle solving eventually and be able to solve most puzzles, but it's an area where it still shows some weakness. Perhaps you found some anti-comp…

Community Blog Discussions - Remove blindspots with move counting game#3

@CaseyFr said in #2: > Can you please post the link of the guy on Lichess with an eye tracker? I'm not sure of the original link. Here is the conversation I was quoting from:…

Community Blog Discussions - New features for chess count mini-game#3

@CaseyFr said in #2: > Thanks for this vizualization trainer.As a coach , I have shared this link with several of my students and they have made good progress in their games as well as puzzle solving.…

Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess - Achtung! Einstellung!#9

Where I notice this kind of effect is doing puzzles under time pressure, like puzzle storm. If I solve 4 puzzles in a row, and the answer is always a checkmate, I'll waste time on the 5th problem look…

Community Blog Discussions - Science of Chess - Achtung! Einstellung!#8

@hicetnunc said in #5: > There's one thing I don't understand in your article : first in your own examples you show that a pattern alone is not enough to solve a chess position - that's certainly true…

Community Blog Discussions - New features for chess count mini-game#1

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Community Blog Discussions - Is a Chess Coach Worth It? - A perfect Guide!#3

> By following his instructions, you can become a master-level chess player in a few years. This seems too optimistic. Nowadays I'm not sure most players can become masters at all. And those that do (…
