
Search "user:FuryPhoenix"

53 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Players not accepting rematches#5

I don't really expect it, generally you will only get a rematch if they have responded to you before. There's also plenty of other opponents to fight as well. The more you know, the better you are. Do…

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Lichess Feedback - ndjson to HTML table#2

Maybe stackexchange is a better place to ask how to convert ndjson to json. (Ok I GET that people have negative thoughts about it, but if you do your questions properly, you will at least get some ans…

Off-Topic Discussion - Disguised Toast takes over the OfflineTV Minecraft server#3

Im laughing like crazy

General Chess Discussion - Can you find the missed tactic on move 20?#3

So on move 20 we're supposed to figure out what is missed tatic? (Exactly on move 20-21)

General Chess Discussion - I found a cool minigame on lichess#6 is officially down.

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General Chess Discussion - Atomic improvement#2

You should see studies by @tipau and @Hysterix. They have made studies (including endgames). Some advice is that pawns matter a whole lot in endgames. Whatever you do, try not letting your opponent ho…

General Chess Discussion - How to deal with salty players#2

Well, you have to anticpate checks and premoves. Hint: Make them have to move, then premove.
