
Search "user:Evgeniy_Victorovich"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 1.d4. What now?#17

Depends on how much time u can spend studying the game. Grunfeld is great, but there are a lot of systems u have to know and game dynamics are quite high which means any side can punish another side s…

General Chess Discussion - Why dont people apprecaite that white also has a bad bishop in the french defence#12

@Mahith1708 If winaver does not work then french is a suspicious opening just like pirc or modern. It is the only way to try to completely equalize against nc3. Although it is still to be seen if it c…

General Chess Discussion - Why dont people apprecaite that white also has a bad bishop in the french defence#10

Let me try to answer since I am playing french almost exclusively against e4. In e5 a3 lines white usually manages to exchange his c1 bishop. In the worst case it will be taking a defensive role but w…

General Chess Discussion - KID and Sicilian Dragon#6

Usually, stronger people play KID+pirc or KID+modern. This way they can start with g6 or d6 on move one no matter what and use various tiny tricks and transpositions to get a good position. It is a lo…

General Chess Discussion - Any interesting lines in French/KIA for black?#8

@selfbrain Thanks for letting me know. First time posted a game here. Does not seem like I can edit the original post though. @Mezmer Thank you, this one has already been suggested and I think it is p…

General Chess Discussion - Any interesting lines in French/KIA for black?#3

@TheChessking2004 Thank you. Definitely worth trying out. I think I even saw some games in this variation a long time ago.

General Chess Discussion - Any interesting lines in French/KIA for black?#1

Hi everyone, I have been playing French for a while and it seems that KIA is really popular at all levels for some reason. I used to play this position a lot <iframe width=600 height=371 src="https://…

General Chess Discussion - Psychological Obstacles to Chess Improvement#6

This happens at any level of play. The pressure keeps piling up till the point you can't take it anymore. So u just make a move that loses or u freeze and run out of time. You can see masters hanging …

General Chess Discussion - New Puzzles are here!#154

Best chess playing site ever

General Chess Discussion - Somebody please tell me how to improve#8

At the moment I can see that u play all kinds of stuff. In one game u go e5 in response to e4, in another c5. That's not how it works in the beginning. Choose a defence to e4 and d4 and start playing …
