
Search "user:ChessPanic"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - when importing a game include meta data#1

As a user I would like the option for when I import a game I can add the metadata as well, or at least provided with a way to add it. The use case is this: today I had an otb match and I want to impor…

General Chess Discussion - tournament history#1

Is there a way that once "Tata Steel" is done, for example, I can go back and analyze the games after the tournament has been completed on this website? When "Tata Steel" is done for the day I don't k…

Lichess Feedback - feature suggestion#1

Hey so, I like to import my OTB games into here and here is the method I have been doing: 1. go to Analysis board, enter the move order 2. copy the pgn below 3. go to Import game and paste there 4. up…

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