
Search "user:TonyRo"

126 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - just a test#3


LM TonyRo
Lichess Feedback - Where can i fine a lichessmod#2

LM TonyRo
General Chess Discussion - How can I draw an arrow on the board?#2

Most common questions have been answered already in the Q&A section. Hope this helps:

LM TonyRo
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[You can't access this team forum post]
Lichess Feedback - Annotation Symbols Feature Request#2

How do you propose the exclams are "simply" added when the server analyzes the games using Stockfish in single PV mode? What are your mathematical criteria for brilliant moves?

LM TonyRo
Game analysis - Bishop & knight mate#2

Wow, nailed it! Great work, nice game! ;)

LM TonyRo
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Off-Topic Discussion - Perhaps the US deserves Donald Trump#4

To generalize the entire USA into a war-mongering, gun-praising, drug-thirsty nation is pretty despicable. Even Republicans are dubious on Trump, and anyone with a shred of intelligence won't vote for…

LM TonyRo
Lichess Feedback - Make sitting down the clock banable#3

For now, I'd advise you to just block them.

LM TonyRo