
Search "user:Poldi_der_Drache"

263 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Players without honor#13

@giulatestacoglione I'm sorry that you think we are arrogant monkeys. I do not mean to offend your opinion. When I allow my opponent to take back his move I do not expect him to play bad in return, th…

General Chess Discussion - Players without honor#7

what else is supposed to do? make mistakes on purpose?

General Chess Discussion - Ch*

@MoonRising what does Lichess do with the excess money from donations?

General Chess Discussion - There should be a daily Classical arena tournament (45+45)#3

xactly, I don't know why 20+10 is considered classical but haven't even seen those anymore lately for some reason.

General Chess Discussion - How many cheaters are in 1200-1500 range blitz games?#10

Haha why would someone who is 1500 or less cheat? The fact that they are low rated already means they don't cheat.

Lichess Feedback - Game History (VIEW THE GAMES) not updating...#5

some of my games don't show up anymore! A game I played about 9 days ago and a game I played yesterday does not show up in my classical games! I cam here and checked if such a topic already exists, gl…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favorite time control#17

90+30 maybe 45+45 is nice too

General Chess Discussion - Why is it that charges money for the basically the same features as Lichess?#37

I spent more money on lichess than you can play on for free if you don't need certain features...just use an add blocker.

Lichess Feedback - How to make more than 1 arrow?#5

Seems like Opera does not allow it, I tried it with Firefox and it works so it's the browser. Don't know if there is a way to make it work in Opera.

Lichess Feedback - How to make more than 1 arrow?#1

I can only make one arrow and if I try to make a second one the old one is deleted. I use Opera in case it makes a difference.
