
Search "user:iongler"

20 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Disappointed in cheating detection#8

Thank you for the good work! :) I'm curious is there a significant number of people that get reported that aren't cheating?

Game analysis - Low rated player trying to understand tactical/positional sacrifice#7

Sure it's easy to spot, it's not easy to see it's winning or even favorable and it isn't unless you follow it up with Nb5! if you just take twice on e6 you've got an imbalanced position that could go …

Game analysis - Low rated player trying to understand tactical/positional sacrifice#4

Really cool sacrifice, not intuitive at all for me even in a long time control game I probably wouldn't have gone for it. If you want to get better at finding positional sacrifices look over games tha…

Game analysis - can you win this as white?#13

However there are examples OTB where GM's lose Bishop vs Rook endgames...Oups, was thinking of R+B vs R, don't mind me

Lichess Feedback - The best but trivial move#15

I agree with SelfmateMan this would improve the puzzles. #11 suggestion of multiple lines sounds like a nice solution

Lichess Feedback - Weird puzzles#5

How about a section of feedback for each puzzle, a comment system or maybe a couple of different lines of analysis ? That way people understand the positions a bit better before voting making the vote…

Lichess Feedback - Weird puzzles#3

That's a good point. What happens if it's popularity gets too low? Is there a threshold after which it's removed from rotation? I've seen quite a few interesting puzzles with low popularity.

Lichess Feedback - Weird puzzles#1

Quite a few of the new puzzles end too abruptly. This puzzle would be a lot better if it continued for 3 more moves(Rxc8 Rxc8+ Nf8 Nf5 Qe6 Rxd5!). Right now it st…

General Chess Discussion - What is the value of the King's Gambit ?#3

Busted is an exaggeration for sure. It's very playable up to a high level however if your opponent really knows what he's doing in the opening you might end up with a slightly worse position.

General Chess Discussion - Breaking 2000#2

I'm wondering the same thing because I have a steady 1900 rating at 5min here but can't seem to get any higher right now. One part is definitely psychological because i've lost all my games vs 2000+ p…
