
Where can FREEly train endgame?

I asked in other places and they recommended Chesstempo which is a PAID site. If one wants to train freely then there's this bullshit of number of movements allowed... restarting takes a long while among other annoying restrictions...

I also tried installing endgame app but it also allows only limited moves and there is NO puzzle restart option! (what's the point, I wonder?)

Is there any more dinamic FREE way of training endgame? Like, where I can just try to win in certain positions or force draw in apparently losing positions without caring about optimal movement/movement number? Because honestly I couldn't care less whether I'm going to checkmate my opponent in 4 or 3 moves if I'm going to win anyway.
Or even if is is an environment with puzzles like that is there one which is quickly responsive and has back button, you know... Like when playing stockfish except that in endgame positions?

Yes it would be interesting to find out if such a site exists. I have no idea.
But call me old school, but I think studying from a book is still the best way to learn. Especialy for a beginner player. I'd recommend Capa's best endgames by Chernev and Silman's endgame manual.
Personally I use endgame books and the endgame club on icc, which is also a paid site unfortunately and books cost money. Best bet is playing endgame positions against stockfish and maybe getting those positions from master games, and reviewing master game endgames.
Don't tell anyone, but we're working on this exactly. See an early preview on

It's not ready for public release, and will get many improvements, so stay tuned!
Of course you are thibault.. of course you are!! lol.. looks awesome so far!!

I would like to add that I recently noticed a "practice vs the computer" button on the Lichess Studies. Make a study with several positions that you would like to improve in and just go in there from time to time and practice. This is a great feature because u just turn it on and off in the Study and it doesn't create like a whole separate game of you vs the computer.
Oh great! I've been expecting this for a while. That's really a great news!

Have a nice day.
@thibault if i might give a small suggestion, it would be beneficial for the website to have its features easier to access directly from the main page. I always have the feeling that I don't go use the full potential of the website because I don't know how to access certain features (see practice vs computer mentioned above or the "review your mistakes" which could be a training feature to be done over and over again in order to learn, like a pool of your own mistakes to continuously review and that gets larger and larger).
@piotor I think the reason why this feature is hidden is that it's still being developed.... it'll probably be put somewhere more obvious when its completed

Sure! But I'm not talking about just this feature. I have the feeling, in general, that many cool aspects are somewhat hidden, like the learn from your mistakes (it could be a standalone training feature instead of a somewhat hidden button available only if you request the computer analysis), the practice with the computer (very instructive, but very hidden). In general, I believe, it would be beneficial if users saw these features directly from the main page instead of discovering about them either by chance or by reading forum threads!

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