
1000 signs that you are a chess player

#113 When you call lichess a videogame (I mean... it kind of is...)...

@Cry-Like-A-GM Playing f6 in the opening is just fine in many instances:

Another position:

From here, f6 is the soundest move.
#114 when "two bishops mate" doesn't sound like a church scandal

@A_0123456 I think you need to watch Ben finegold my friend
#115 When you play so good that people actually think that you're Wesley So.
#116 When you think that the queen is more powerful than the king (I mean the king has limited movement compared to the queen...)

@MrAverage Seriously? Well I wonder what he's gonna do against the Ponziani Opening...
#117 When you talk about a: "Black and White Night" referring to Roy Orbison's famous concert and Chess interchangeably.
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#119 when you play at least 50 games a day and played more than 12 hours in the marathon.
#120 you would rather play chess than eat dinner

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