
How not to lose a game with bongcloud tactic

If you want to be a serious player play serious openings. Some GMs play it bc after 5000 games and dominating the world they get bored. Ignore the youtube clowns just looking for clicks so they promote every clown gambit and opening out there. Do you see bongocloud or Hippo at Candidates?

Putting your king out there is a mockery to the Chess Chtulhium. Don't anger them.
Maybe some of these Bongcloud odds engine as Black vs Lvl 8 as White games contain some useful inspiration for you.

1x Bongcloud odds as Black from Horwitz Defense (win):

3x Bongcloud odds as Black from French Defense (draw):
A) have a lower rated opponent.
B) keep the position closed until your king is safe
By the way, and slightly off topic, coming back to that memorable Nakamura-Carlsen Bongcloud draw (post #4 above):

As someone in another thread has pointed out to me, the game, short and silly as it is, has an instructive point regarding the FIDE rules for a drawn game.

Someone wants to guess what it is?
Fun fact: There is a relative of the Bongcloud called the FRIED FOX ATTACK!: 1. f3 e5 2. Kf2

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