
No draw proposal after 3x same position


I installed the Lichess app for Android and played some matches.
Yesterday in one match it was king & rook vs king & rook.
I sent a draw request but the guy declined.

After I checked him like 6 times with the rook,
I expected to see the "3 times same position" message
which allows you to either claim a draw or continue.
(And yes, it was the same position because we only moved up and down)

Nothing was shown and we played like another 10 minutes.
Luckily I was able to exchange the rooks...
Is there some error or does it have to be activated somewhere?

Can you provide us with the link to your game or just insert it here?
If there is a way to find the match in the app, then yes.
Otherwise, no chance.

For the Internet browser I just use the history.
But in the app I currently see no way to find played matches.

P.S: I was not logged in, so I played as Anonymous.
By rule, threefold repetition is not a draw unless one of the two players claims a draw.
Yes, but there was no option to claim a draw.
That was the problem.
I checked him several times because I wanted to claim a draw, which was not possible.
To claim a draw, you just click the draw offer button. That will claim the draw. The draw offer button is always present on the screen, just underneath the movelist. It looks like a hand offering a handshake.
>>By rule, threefold repetition is not a draw unless one of the two players claims a draw.

Why not? It should be
FIDE rules:

The game is drawn, *upon a correct claim by the player having the move*, when the same position, for at least the third time (not necessarily by sequential repetition of moves)

a. is about to appear, if he first writes his move on his scoresheet and declares to the arbiter his intention to make this move, or

b. has just appeared, and the player claiming the draw has the move.

Yes...there is the option on App...look better ! behavior...Claim Draw on threefold repetition.... put "ALWAYS".

But for this option i Think you must be logged in.

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