
feature request: comparing chess insights to averages

chess insights is nice and all but certain values r just a bit hard to grasp
1. chess insights tells u ur average centipawn loss is 80
great!....or no..! its bad?...uh i guess its bad!
2. ur luck is 65%! man thats so.....good? i guess its more than 50% so its probably good yeyy

what im trying to say:
its pretty hard to judge whether a value shows in chess insights is good bad or anything in between
make it possible to compare to ur friends (people that follow u and that u follow at the same time) as well comparing to averages
for example a 1400 rated bullet player may want to know if he moves to slowly compared to other people in his rating range

so by comparing his "move-speed" to other people in his 1300-1500 rating range he may find out that he in fact does move too slowly - on the other hand he finds out that his centipawn loss is very low compared to other people in his rating range (he loses on time rather than by losing pieces)
thus he concludes that maybe blitz is better for him personally

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