
stockfish eval not correct

i have installed stockfish in my system using 'brew install stockfish'

when i run the following commands, it prints out the score (-5.60). How is this position better for black. i dont get it. is there something wrong with stockfish?



position fen rnbqkbnr/pppp1p1p/6p1/4Q3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNB1KBNR b KQkq - 0 3

go depth 20

No i haven't. But there's nothing wrong with this evaluation. Stockfish evaluated this position from the black's perspective as it was black's turn to play.
there is lot wrong with that fen. Stockfish should reject it. But

"BNR b K"
at the end part means it is blacks turn . And it must be blacks turn as there is W queen in E5 and no pawn on e rank i.e black king is in check
I cant recreate the results you got i presume this is prop due to low engine depth or mis configured engine
@meowdit said in #1:
> it prints out the score (-5.60). How is this position better for black. i dont get it.

UCI protocol specifies that the cp score is displayed from the mover's point of view, not the white's point of view. Change the position to the next move and the sign of the cp score will change.

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