
"You left the game"

I was on move 4 here, considering my options. This is not a line familiar to me, so I was taking my time to consider what to do next. Granted, it was not that long—you can see I had spent less than 2 minutes of my time, and already played 3 moves.

During this game I was also working online and managing a Zoom meeting (I know, I know... lol). So I clicked into my Zoom app for literally like 30 seconds to type something to someone. When I came back, it said I left the game and had forfeited me. I don't even think enough time had passed for my opponent to get the "your opponent has left the game, claim victory?" prompt.

Usually running lichess on my desktop (Mac, Chrome) is a surefire way to AVOID getting auto-forffed for "leaving the game," which I understand happens on my mobile when I got to another app. I have played 2-hour games this way, working on other documents in other apps on my desktop, with no issue in the past.

Any insight into why this happened? Thanks!
@ThatIsNotGood said in #1:
> During this game I was also working online and managing a Zoom meeting

Are you really sure, you did not deserve the defeat...? ;-)
Look on the plus side. You played 99% accuracy with 3 ACPL and no inaccuracies, mistakes, or blunders!
@caughtinarut said in #4:
> So -- you left the game.

I think I didn't explain clearly—the game was running in an open tab the entire time. In my experience, using another app on my desktop while Lichess is on a game in my browser does not constitute "leaving the game."
Yes, but it's very okay when it does constitute it now, because you play with more concentration on your opponent now. :-)
Perhaps in those earlier times, your opponent chose not to end the game.
@ThatIsNotGood said in #6:
> I think I didn't explain clearly—the game was running in an open tab the entire time. In my experience, using another app on my desktop while Lichess is on a game in my browser does not constitute "leaving the game."

As far as I understand, "leaving the game" also means switching to another tab. How is Lichess supposed to know that you intend to come back? Unfortunately, too many people (when they don't want to continue playing a game) just leave their game open while doing something else to annoy their opponent.
In any case: Don't you see that it's somewhat disrespectful when you decide to do something else while your opponent is waiting for your move?

I think this feature has worked as intended in this case...

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