
Accused of cheating!!!

Hello moderators of Lichess. As far as I'm concerned, when playing correspondence games, it is allowed to use chess engine assistance to play. I've used that assistance in one game and I've been labeled as a cheater. Could you please explain to me what I did wrong and remove that label? It was clearly a misunderstanding. Thank you in advance
Why would you assume that you're allowed to cheat in correspondence games?

The terms of service quite clearly state that cheating (including the use of an engine) is not allowed and the exceptions to that rule do not include correspondence games. See
@Mozartus :
"As far as I'm concerned, when playing correspondence games, it is allowed to use chess engine assistance to play"

Nope ; terms of service :
"Cheating. This comes in various forms. Cheating is anything that gives you an unfair advantage over a human player, and includes opening books, computer engines, and having a friend help you. You may use these for training, or against Stockfish."

See ? "UNFAIR". "HUMAN". Not programs. In correspondance game you can use analysis board.

+ Q&A :

Engine assist allowed only in casual correspondance games, only if your opponent knows you're using it.

I just lose a blitz this morning against a cheater. Thank you lichess : bad guy quickly identified and my points back. I told him the rest :)
I mean, I can use analysis board in blitz games, or classical if I am fast enough. I consider that obvious and confusing information. The idea is that I misunderstood the concept "analysis board". I considered it the analysis board that we have in tools! There you have local stockfish analyzing the given board. How is it possible that I knew what it was referring to? Please, I need to be unlabeled as a cheater since I misunderstood the "analysis board"
The generic analysis board (at isn't intended for analyzing games that are on lichess, since all games on lichess have their own analysis boards that won't contain any cheats before the game is over. The rightmost button on the button row just above the move list will take you to the game-specific analysis board (
Okay, now I know, and I understand. The problem is that I got confused with the other analysis board, I've been labeled as a cheater and I want it to be removed. Do you know who I should talk to to get it removed? Because it was just one game and I lost points, so... I'm just asking for a second chance. Thanks in advance.
Please read the things that people link to you.
#3 gave you the answer.
Email, but as that post also says, ignorance is not an excuse. Good luck.
International Correspondence Chess Federation allows the use of computers in correspondence games and it even encourages draw claims based on table bases. Even before computers the correspondence players extensively used books and consulted with other players before sending in their move.

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