
FIDE Candidates 2024

In round 10, Nepo could move to the Berlin Endgame position. (4 pawns against 3 on the king). Why do you think he didn't do it, because in the 4th round he defeated Vidit. Do you remember how Judit Polgar and Vladimir Kramnik tortured Kasparov in the Berlin defense?
@Baeron-7 said in #2:
> Which move number are you talking about?
37 I think, he means pawn going for promote, but that casual mistake that gives nothing
Well I still don’t get what he means as I don’t see any possibility to gain 4-3 ebding. It’s not very helpful to ask such a question without giving any line.
@Baeron-7 said in #4:
Tell me, for what reason do you not see the capture of a knight on the 8th move and the exchange of queens?!! This is 1 line! Black loses the right to castling, and the position of the Berlin endgame is obtained. There is only one strategic plan in the Berlin endgame and it belongs to white: 4 pawns against 3 on the king's flank.
@aVague said in #3:
Rustam, tell me for what reason do you not see the capture of a knight on the 8th move and the exchange of queens?!! This is 1 line! Black loses the right to castling, and the position of the Berlin endgame is obtained. There is only one strategic plan in the Berlin endgame and it belongs to white: 4 pawns against 3 on the king's flank.
@Europq said in #6:
> Rustam, tell me for what reason do you not see the capture of a knight on the 8th move and the exchange of queens?!! This is 1 line! Black loses the right to castling, and the position of the Berlin endgame is obtained. There is only one strategic plan in the Berlin endgame and it belongs to white: 4 pawns against 3 on the king's flank.
1-st I didn't saw beginning of a Game 2nd , he can capture not with a queen pawn, and what would be then ? 3 even if queen exchanges does it really that much advantage , while casteling isn't needed anymore?
@aVague said in #7:
Rustam, have you seen the beginning of the game? Rustam, then why are you present in this discussion or is it just trolling?
@Europq said in #8:
> Rustam, have you seen the beginning of the game? Rustam, then why are you present in this discussion or is it just trolling?
what do you mean? I saw endgame, because I thought someone asked of a move there obvious, was lazy to see all, or would see after I need it
Whats the point of going into berlin like endgame? Super gms avoid it by playing d3 or italian or even d4 (lol)

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