
How and when to use pre-move option in bullet games

I play quite a lot of bullet games. Usually 2+1.
I quite often see my opponent pre-move and lose a piece or a pawn as a consequence of 'jumping the gun' so to speak.
Now, obviously when one is down to a couple of seconds on the clock then ones finger needs to be on the trigger, but I want to discuss non-forced errors such as the reply to 1: kn f3 with e5.
The best use of this facility is in my opinion when the pre-move would be illegal if one's opponent makes a different move.
I would like other players ideas and tips if any.
Premove at safe times. Most notably, in the endgame, premoves can be tricky, but useful.

Take a Q+R+K vs K.

I will often premove the ladder mate, because it is very safe.

Don't premove in the opening (too much)
Hey @chessspy1! Not an expert at all, but my 2 cents on this: I actually improved at bullet when I decreased the number of premoves I played in the opening/middle game - everything feels "rushed" when you have less than a minute on the clock, but taking an extra half a second to think is actually immensely valuable. Still, premoves are in order when there are potential forced moves (say, taking back a piece after an opponent's exchange), or when there is a clear (and forced) mating pattern. I do save many games by banking on my opponent premoving in the end game (typically, in a rook v. rook endgame, if your opponent premoves a lot, you may be able to catch his rook with yours, for instance)
Try the book Bullet Chess by Hikaru. It's got a chapter on that. Yes, there are now chess books about bullet.
@IndianDefense said in #5:
> Try the book Bullet Chess by Hikaru. It's got a chapter on that. Yes, there are now chess books about bullet.
I don't know why I find that so funny lol
Hi @indiandefence
Thanks for that about Hikaru's book. Is there anything more added except pre moving when the move would be illegal if ones opponent makes a different move?
I cannot really think of a safe way to use it otherwise, (but I am pretty old for bullet chess (so shoot me)).

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