
Are you insane? You endanger my child

#30 Please @BaronVonChickenpants let's not lecture about responsibility, although your measure is also useful. I have opinions I haven't voiced on this and honestly don't need to. In #9 I only failed to voice my perspective because I didn't understand the situation.

What I can say is a tremendous thanks to chris-tian bringing this to our attention and helping us deconstruct what happened. I incorrectly recorded the issue at which is now correctly recorded at .
Guys, thibault has spoken.
And let me be the reasonable one for once and ask everyone to not poo poo @chris-tian. He is probably overreacting but that is forgivable, considering he just got spooked by his baby going on twitch.
I was looking at line 120 of lichobile/src/ui/user/userView.tsx, function "renderWebsiteLinks"

I'm guessing this is server side though and not user-patchable since it's outside the src folder for android. I was searching for a temporary hack client side without any luck. I'm just a python noob and I'm sure @thibault knows better than I and it sounds like it'll get a proper fix.
"My son - he just got 8 - ended up on twitch watching people shooting each other in fortnite."

I played violent video games as a kid and I have killed approximately zero people and am a happy enough adult. Don't over-parent, it's far more destructive than any streaming of Fortnite which has roughly the violence of an episode of loony toons.
@subduction Exactly, I 100% agree. Tom and Jerry has 10 times the amount of violence and gore that Fortnite has, and 4 year olds watch it.

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