
Bug found?

Thank you thibault, i do appreciate the updates. :D
However i think i found a bug just now i believe. I could not promote normally, the move would just cancel after i selected a piece. However premove autopromotion worked fine. I will try and recreate it if its not on my end best regards
I have also, at apparently exactly the same time as you, experienced this. I could not move my pawn to the eighth rank and promote. It was infuriating!
Yes, this happened to me as well, autopromotion was working fine, but underpromoting is not allowed.
Does not work in analyses, the piecees dont light up as usual, when hovered over with the mouse and the pawn just snaps back as if i clicked away or made an invalid move
I have the same problem with the promotion, and I lost two match for that reason.
Thank you very much, its indeed working as intended. Post can be closed and burnt or filed away.

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