
Every Gambit Ranked I: #620-#557

12 • abotofabot •
  1. #620: Fool's Gambit
  2. #619: Dudweiler Gambit
  3. #618: Damiano Gambit
  4. #617: Schnepper Gambit
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Ruy Lopez!

358 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Modern Steinitz Defense: 4...d6 [Trap accepted]
  3. Modern Steinitz Defense: 7.c3 [Trap declined]
  1. abotofabot

abotofabot's Studies

210 • abotofabot •
  1. Destroy It!
  2. Improve!
  3. Every Gambit Ranked!
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Dutch!

48 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Dutch h4: 3.h4 [Pawn gain on move 4]
  3. Dutch h4: 3...Nf6 [Exchange sac on move 5]
  4. Dutch h4: 4...Rg8 [You can't castle]
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Stafford!

219 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. What does the Stafford want?
  3. We need to avoid that - 5.e5!
  4. Don't fall for this trap! - 6.d3??
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the London!

62 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Why does your opponent play the the London?
  3. => Play tricky with c6!
  4. What if Qc1?
  1. abotofabot
  2. What_A_Gambit

Which Opening Should You Play?

51 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. The 3 Factors
  3. Beginner : Italian Opening
  1. abotofabot

Study Stats

23 • abotofabot •
  1. Thanks!
  2. Top 3
  3. Grand Total
  4. All the likes on 6 pages (the max likes for each page is 1330)
  1. abotofabot

5 Phoenix Miniatures

28 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. A Mackenzie, 1900
  3. S Filaretov, 1925
  4. A Gulyaev, 1946
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Caro-Kann!

1833 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Breyer Variation
  3. Breyer 2
  4. Breyer 3
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Nimzowitsch!

140 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Why Nc6?
  3. Marshall Gambit
  4. Marshall 2
  1. abotofabot

Play the Nimzowitsch!

86 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. The Nimzowitsch
  3. Kennedy Variation
  4. Mikenas Defense
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Italian!

1915 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Rousseau Gambit 4.Nc3?
  3. 4.exf5?
  4. Trap for white
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the Pirc!

344 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Byrne Variation
  3. Byrne 2
  4. Byrne 3
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the King's Gambit!

424 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Falkbeer Contergambit
  3. Falkbeer 2 / Abbazia Defense
  4. Abbazia 2
  1. abotofabot

Destroy the French!

1530 • abotofabot •
  1. Intro
  2. Milner-Barry Trap
  3. Milner-Barry Gambit
  4. Milner-Barry 2
  1. abotofabot