
Search "user:word20"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - claim victory is missing#1

Every time a player abandon a game you can claim a victory after some time. Unfortunately I can't do this any longer. What is the reason ? Please respond to this message soon

Lichess Feedback - Warning for abortion of too many games#1

What is this about getting temporary ban for too many abortion of games? Do you really need to wait 20 or 30 seconds before a game get aborted?

Lichess Feedback - warning for aborting a game after waiting for 5 or 10 seconds#1

Some of the players do not respond for a game within 5 seconds or 10 seconds. I t seems that they are not going to play when you are waiting for a game to start. Then you get a warning for aborting th…

General Chess Discussion - warning for aborting a game after waiting for 5 or 10 seconds#1

Some of the players do not respond for a game within 5 seconds or 10 seconds. I t seems that they are not going to play when you are waiting for a game to start. Then you get a warning for aborting th…

Lichess Feedback - Problem when opponent leaves the game ...#4

This happens even when you are logged in that players just leaves the game and the time runs out for the opponent. What is the reason that it takes a few minutes instead of changing it instantly like …

Lichess Feedback - Player leaves the game#6

The player ditch left the game and it was a rated game. I always play rated games and earlier you got rating when a player left a rated game. This does not happen any more. Why do you want a link to a…

Lichess Feedback - Player leaves the game#1

Hi Several players have left the game in a lost position. No rating change when the time runs out. What is the reason for that? It would be reasonable that a player who leaves a game looses the game. …
