
Search "user:feelynx"

36 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - The parallels between the Solomon Islands and The Ukraine#2

Come on, NATO is civilized peacefully organization. Russians are crazy if think that NATO can place rockets and bases near them. NATO don't bombing any country from Soviet times, they only bring cooki…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#64

@Alex_1987 said in #63: > Love those russian who always think about global problems instead of doing something. Put things in order in your own country! It is your country being an aggressor and your …

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#62

@CooloutAC said in #61: > You can call war a business I don't dispute that. But who started the war determines who is at fault and who has the moral high ground. IMO Putin started this war in 2014 and…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#59

@CooloutAC i think better than me this will explain for example the book - War Is A Racket by Smedley D. Butler I can better explain to you in chat by russain, if you want.

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#57

@LordHighBaal said in #41: > You mean the reported 130,000 FORCIBLY taken by Russia into Russia? > > PS: "what do you think" sounds better than "butwhatabout" but still the same thing. Also then trans…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#51

@Alex_1987 said in #48: > You russians always love to blame German people in WW2 even after 80 years. But how it comes that in the same coordinate system you are completely none-responsible for the cr…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#42

@Alex_1987 said in #40: > Well, this is a difficult questions, unrelated to your "whataboutism" and "not so univocal". I don't know how for example should have been treated the people who fleed to naz…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#38

@Alex_1987 said in #35: > And this is another bullshit. Like "everything is not so univocal". Well, I am telling you again: it is! russia is pure evil and Ukraine is just a victim of uncalled aggressi…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#37

@glbert said in #32: > yes, yes. apartement bombings, definitely without any involvement of the fsb. personally, i can't believe how everyone is giving putin reasons to attack them precisely at the ti…

Off-Topic Discussion - Ukraine case for West#33

@LordHighBaal said in #31: > You are not a very good proponent for the Russian invasion. I have no tears for murdering, raping, looting, Russian soldiers. You sign up to slaughter children, one can ex…
