
Search "user:ThunderClap"

2159 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate#22

It's sad to see a man 70 pounds OVERWEIGHT at his age ... We might see his HEALTH PROBLEMS before even' , Bidens Health is so much vastly better at 6 feet half inch tall 177 pounds than Trump's 260 - …

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - I need urgent help regarding a FIDE tournament...pls do help#10

It's about ATTITUDE & Personal set of Morals . NEVER WITHDRAW at ANY given time is the way to go' @AyaanshGaur12 (Except maybe a death in the family) PLAY WELL

NM ThunderClap
Off-Topic Discussion - You ever consider that Trump is better than Biden?#49

TRUMP is NOT better than BIDEN ... CASE CLOSED @Cat_With_1_Life_Left

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Cut losses by take some draws#2

Yes ... Usually the more Draws you have percentage wise' the higher the Rating . Beginners hardly ever Draw @Dynamirock

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Never Give Up!#2

@DuMussDieUhrDruecken Yes, Never Give Up ... Study & Play Chess as you get better at Chess' & you will get there wherever there is Chesswise' for you

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Tournament trouble#5

TELL your Boss that Overconfidence isn't a good trait to have ' ... Confidence is what I see Congradualate @soccerfreak1213 for the 3rd place finish & you may be proven correct about 1850 1900 Soon en…

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Your thoughts about Immortal Game?#6

Lichess Only Foe ME

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#13

@h2b2 @AnatolijKasparov He found something that does work' . Just trying to help build Intuition

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Your thoughts about Immortal Game?#4

There was ONLY ONE IMMORTAL GAME' ... Played in the 1850s @AyaanshGaur12

NM ThunderClap
General Chess Discussion - Am I dreaming or what??#11

@h2b2 You still respond like that after I posted watch the follow-up on the Video to Bd3+ Ke1 Qb6 .

NM ThunderClap