
Search "user:BrzopotezniMangup96"

49 forum posts
Crazyhouse World Championship - Announces its own Crazyhouse World Championship#7

Hey, guys after bitchess stopped organizing saturday tournaments I have some feeling like zh died completely lol. We should creat some kind of an event as early as possible. I havent heard before abou…

General Chess Discussion - close account#21

You did all of that just because some1 on JannLee training section 29 told you that you are full of yourself? Lol

Crazyhouse World Championship - Missing Players#15

I think because he was too good ;) He just got bored waiting to be paired with a player with a equal strenght. Joking of course, I do not know. Probably some cheater, losing streak or some private obl…

General Chess Discussion - Players from serbia#2

Pozdrav Bg

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 64599#1

Why not Qc1f1 instead of Qxd2 is stronger because black must exchange q otherwise Qg8 Qxf7 is easy checkmate.

Crazyhouse World Championship - Missing Players#2

Top players on fics can you call some strong players from there that still didn't even signed in lichess. Yesterday I played some bug with one very strong player and he said to me he never heard of li…

Lichess Feedback - Crazyhouse engine#7

Can zh engine be any stronger than level 8 here?

Lichess Feedback - Crazyhouse engine#1

What happened to crazyhouse engine? It seemed to become a real beast :) crushing everyone. I think it is a bit underrated right now :)

Crazyhouse World Championship - Time Control#37

What about making 1/1 instead of 1/0? Everything rest fine for me

Crazyhouse World Championship - Time Control#28

Guys, why dont we just steal the idea from gm blitz battles? 5/2 1.5hour 3/2 1hour 1/1 30 mins.
