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381 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it normal to be afraid of 1.d4?#5

The Slav Defense is very strong, and if you want to shake things up a bit you can try the Budapest Gambit (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5!?

Game analysis - Bullet game I am proud of#8

@synposis nice game! Generally when you play g3 you want to move the Bishop to g2, not h3, and you want to avoid unnecessary pawn advances because they can weaken your pawns, but congrats on the win!

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General Chess Discussion - What to play against Modern/Owen#6

I would suggest the Austrian Attack against the Modern

Lichess Feedback - Please add Polynesia or Hawaiian Kingdom to the countries #6

That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the fact that the States controls Hawaii, right now. We're not talking about whether they should control Hawaii, we're talking about whether th…

Lichess Feedback - Please add Polynesia or Hawaiian Kingdom to the countries #4

Hawaii is part of the US. Are you talking about the UN?

Lichess Feedback - Please add Polynesia or Hawaiian Kingdom to the countries #2

Hawaii is part of the United States.

General Chess Discussion - Adding time #8

Yes, move 300 ends the game in a draw (on Lichess), @robotrock

Off-Topic Discussion - World Cup Picks by GianMarco#6

I wish America was in :( oh well, soccer isn't an American Game, so I don't care that much

Game analysis - Game Analysis - Please advise#3

Well, on move 8...Nbd7 I think Nc6 world have been better. You're attempting to occupy the hole on d4, and not Block in your LSB. On move 11...Bxc3 I think that it was a bit premature. Those pawns won…