
Search "user:DouglasBiza"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Chat Suggestion#4

But that's not good enough! It disables everything including messages from the server! I just want to stop the stream coming from the other guy. Just like you can do with takebacks you know.

Lichess Feedback - Chat Suggestion#3

Oh, so that's what that little green box is for? Cool, thanks!

Lichess Feedback - Chat Suggestion#1

It would be nice to have a setting that allows a player to disable the chat during a game. This is very important to me because I am sick and tired of people saying weird things to me during a game, l…

Lichess Feedback - Simul Suggestion#1

I think it would be nice to have the host of a particular simul set the rating range. For example, to allow only players that fall within that range to join the simul and not just anyone. Thanks!
