
Personal notes on other players

It would be nice to have a way to add a short personal note on an opponent
That way it would help remember their playstyle or (un)civility.

Eg some players will play to the bitter end.. They continue playing with at -20 advantage and a minute to go, just out of spite or in the hope the other might stalemate. Chess can be frustrating and i get that it happens sometimes; i don't want to block someone just for that one time. But if they do it all the time, day after day, then i'd like to remember and not play with them again.
Or another example, some players play very quickly in the opening, but will often make many mistakes and will not be able to sustain that speed as soon as you give them a good problem. I'd like to add a note under their name that says "Speedy gonzales", that would be a good hint for me as to how to play against them :)

You can go to their profile, click the notes section (shows 0 notes in most cases) and write notes on them.
You can even delete notes as needed and add new ones on each user.

Happy chessing and all best :)
That is very nice, i had never noticed that!
Thanks! :)

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