
Hide Ranking & UserName

People seem to not like the idea. But I think it's actually quite interesting.
One should always play the board and not the opponent. Taking or not taking a draw shouldn't depend on the opponent's rating. (#4) Nor has the suggestion anything to do with lack of respect. (#8)
It would be fun to compete in such a tournament where, only afterwards, you can see whom you played and how you did.
@SelfmateMan Thank You!!
Yeah; I think it should be some sort of option. It doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to match etc...

I particularly like it for Tournaments - it shouldn't matter in a Draw situation - Look at the board - the points will figure themselves out... It can be a ploy; or even a bully tactic (a draw). @Toscani - Yes; I like to explore other users games; especially games I found interesting - then open a correspondence - there personalization happens & chat - but; not in Tournament - It's best move for best move.

@azhar101 I'll try them both! :D

Creating a Browser now just for Lichess

I got carried away!! @NobodyReally I JUST read yours ... lol - looks like we're on the same 'page'.
Yes, I was thinking after the games; but, after the Tournament is even better (this means WithDrawing wouldn't allow it until the timer was done).
Thanks @Toadofsky.

This style does not hide the usernames and ratings on the left, to achieve this (and have it visible on mouse over), try this css:

div.username a.text name, /* remove this line to have usernames visible*/
div.username a.text rating, /* remove this line to have ratings visible*/
div.username span.rp, /* remove this line to have rating changes visible*/
div.players div.player a.user_link {
visibility: hidden !important;

div.username:hover a.text name,
div.username:hover a.text rating,
div.username:hover span.rp,
div.players div.player:hover a.user_link {
visibility: visible !important;
I use a userscript to hide the rating ingame because it distracts me from playing good chess.
i also have to say that i play better when i dont see my opponents name and rating. Especially when these are names like iPoopInYourFace ...

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