
Game aborted? And Stalemate (Patt) - it draw? LOL

Flugsio! Thanks for the answer. Let's change the "rules" FIDE! Your initiative will help if your site will make the first "Stalemate (Patt)" - as defeat.
More precisely... "Stalemate (Patt)" - as victory, as Checkmate.
This is ridiculous! You are making a fool of yourself! Quit playing Chess!!!!!
If you have not the capability to checkmate anyone, then it is your fault! Why should the other Player be punished for your failure to checkmate him? That will give you something to think about!
I did not know that even here - on the chess forum there are these... the Internet trolls are. LOL
If you don't have a good Point you become abusive! I gave you a really good Point! But that's futile talking to you! You aren't open minded about reasonable arguments!!!

Bye cheater!!!!
#18 Games lost on time because of a server restart, are aborted. That's what happened here.
My opponent was dead lost on the board. He lost on time because he chose to let his time run out. If there was a server restart, that was a fortunate coincidence for him.

Even worse:

I spent more than fifteen minutes playing this game for training and cannot add it to my database.

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