
Magnus Carlsen 26th Sept. statement

@Molurus said in #8:
"You are aware that Dlugy isn't Niemann's trainer I hope."

Hans has said he would not say who his trainer is. But either way, I think Magnus may think that Dlugy knows about this method and may suspect Dlugy may have helped Hans to train using it.
@Nomoreusernames said in #11:
> "You are aware that Dlugy isn't Niemann's trainer I hope."
> Hans has said he would not say who his trainer is. But either way, I think Magnus may think that Dlugy knows about this method and may suspect Dlugy may have helped Hans to train using it.

The reason Carlsen referred to Dlugy is very obvious: Dlugy has his own history of cheating scandals. It was another indirect reference to cheating, nothing more to it.

There is no reason to think Dlugy is Niemann's trainer, nor is there any reason to think that Carlsen believes that.
@pretzelattack1 said in #9:
> I think the question that Caruana posed is relevant--Has Ken Regan examined the games in which Hans cheated online, from the database? that might help demonstrate the usefulness of his algorithm.

Either Prof Regan has already done it and Caruana doesn't know, or the games have purposefully not been sent to Prof Ken Regan.
> I don't think he's going to accuse anyone because he's got no proof and could get sued for libel.
Is protection against libel an international law? I don't believe Carlsen and Hans live in the same country, let alone the USA. Would that make Carlsen a fugitive lol
@Nomoreusernames said in #13:
> Either Prof Regan has already done it and Caruana doesn't know, or the games have purposefully not been sent to Prof Ken Regan.

Here's a thought... having a reliable cheat detection algorithm isn't mr Regan's prime interest. He may be much more interested in making money off giving interviews and selling books about his supposed brilliance.

Why would he want his algorithm to be validated in any way?
@Molurus said in #15:
> Here's a thought... having a reliable cheat detection algorithm isn't mr Regan's prime interest. He may be much more interested in making money off giving interviews and selling books about his supposed brilliance.
> Why would he want his algorithm to be validated in any way?

Prof Regan has tenure.
He did actually praise Hans Niemann and his trainer for his good play in the previous statement.

You are aware that Dlugy isn't Niemann's trainer I hope.

Hans has said he would not say who his trainer is. But either way, I think Magnus may think that Dlugy knows about this method and may suspect Dlugy may have helped Hans to train using it.

The reason Carlsen referred to Dlugy is very obvious: Dlugy has his own history of cheating scandals. It was another indirect reference to cheating, nothing more to it.
There is no reason to think Dlugy is Niemann's trainer, nor is there any reason to think that Carlsen believes that.

From the Julius Baer interview:
Carlsen: "I have to say I'm very impressed by Niemans play and I think his mentor Maxime Dlugy must be doing a great job."
... further questions and answers.....
Kaja Snare:"... you mentioned a name there, I think maybe a trainer of Hans Niemann, that he's doing a good job..."

Maxime Dlugy been a trainer of Hans Niemann. So it is not exactly "no reason to think Carlsen believes that".
"Either Prof Regan has already done it and Caruana doesn't know, or the games have purposefully not been sent to Prof Ken Regan."

or Regan hasn't done it, or asked for the games.
@Nomoreusernames said in #16:
> Prof Regan has tenure.

So? You and a lot of people like you already bought into the idea that he is a chess cheating detection god. Why would he have any interest in actually proving what you already believe?

Unlike chess servers like chess com and lichess he has no interest at all in reliably detecting cheating. He just doesn't.

Normally in the science arena you would have to do actual research and expose that research to peer review. Have your ideas tested and validated, etc.

But please keep in mind: mr Regan is operating completely outside the science arena now. He doesn't care if his method is validated. He has no reason to care, because his audience (you) doesn't care.
Congratulations on your speculations, still awaiting any complains or proof ( lol) directed to the goverment body , FIDE .

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